Sheriff Gene Claps

Sheriff Claps was sworn into office on January 10, 2023 and has volunteered and worked for the Adams County Sheriff's Office for over 22 years, since 1995. Sheriff Claps has worked in almost every division, including the Jail, Patrol, Detective, and training units. Sheriff Claps has been a reserve posse deputy, a deputy, a Sergeant, Commander, Captain, and Division Chief during his career. Sheriff Claps was born and raised in Adams County and is very proud of Adams County and the Adams County Sheriff's Office. Sheriff Claps aims to transform this Sheriff's Office into a metropolitan leader in law enforcement. To work from our mission, vision, and values with defined direction, support, and leadership to help guide and mentor our staff for the future years to come. Where leadership leads by example and we support our employees and community members equally. To develop a sheriff's office that is built on trust, morals, ethics, and transparency that supports our agencies, cities, schools, and neighborhoods, to develop safer communities and stronger relationships.

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