Adams County Sheriff's Office - Citizens Academy


The ACSO Citizens Academy is Full!

Thank you for your interest in the Adams County Sheriff's Office Citizens Academy. At this time, the 2025 Academy is at full capacity, and we are no longer accepting applications. 

If you are interest in future Citizens Academy, please check back for updates on our next Citizens Academy. 


  • Classes will take place on Wednesdays from 6 to 8:30 p.m., starting on March 5th and ending on April 23rd. Class locations are based on the topic for that session and will be communicated at the start of the 8-week Academy. 
  • Two classes will occur on Saturdays during the 8-week timeframe: March 15th and March 22nd. These classes will be held at our FLATROCK Training Center from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Participants are asked to commit seriously to the full 8-week course. We ask anyone with potential conflicts to consider attending a future Academy class. 
  • Participants who miss two classes will not be allowed to graduate and will be asked to apply for a future Citizens Academy if they wish to complete the program.


Classroom Conduct

  • We encourage students to participate enthusiastically in all discussions.
  • Several topics discussed during the Academy will elicit emotional responses and opinions. Participants are reminded to respect the views and positions of others. While students might not agree with all statements, we ask that they allow open discussion. 
  • Guidelines for classroom standards and discussions will be established and presented to participants on the first day of class.


Dress Code

  • Participants must dress appropriately for the classes with comfortable and casual attire. Students will be notified in advance of any classes that may require alternative clothing. 


Equipment and Materials

  • The Adams County Sheriff's Office will provide all equipment and materials for the Academy. 


Food and Beverages

  • Several participants come to class directly from work and cannot eat before class. Our Citizen Academy Alumni will do their best to provide snacks and drinks for each class. 
  • Please note that due to the particular topic of that class, eating and drinking might not be an option. 



MUNITIONS DEMONSTRATIONS ONLY! Citizens are NEVER authorized to shoot or detonate live munitions on agency property. 



2025 Citizens Academy Scheduled dates:

Schedule for citizens academy for March and April 2025