Work Release

Welcome to the Work Release home page!

The Work Release Program is designed to support your successful reintegration into the community by allowing you to work while fulfilling your obligations with the Adams County Jail. Below, you will find important information and resources to help you navigate the program effectively. 


The below information is for those sentenced in Adams County. If sentenced outside of Adams County to serve in Adams County, please call work release.


Work Release Requirements

  • Sentencing court and Facility approval
  • Previous criminal history 
  • Employment history. (If you are a non-citizen, you must provide your working papers and visa. This will be verified with ICE.)
  • Verifiable full-time (minimum of 32 hours per week, maximum of {10} hour shifts) employment that is lawful and suitable. It is a conflict of interest to work in the following areas:
    • On any project at the Facility or other Sheriff's Office buildings.
    • At any establishments where the primary commodity may have been a contributing factor in the current charge (i.e., liquor or weapons). 
    • At any job that requires door-to-door sales.
    • Any daycare.
    • Employment that keeps the inmate away from the facility for more than six (6) days per week.
    • Employment must be within fifty (50) miles of the facility unless specifically approved by the facility commander/designee.
    • Is pending additional or new charges.
    • Has been convicted of or is charged with any Class 1 Felony offense or sexual offenses.
    • Has been removed from the Adams County Inmate Worker Program for disciplinary reasons during the same incarceration.
  • Applicants must agree to obey all Facility rules and regulations. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination from the work release program. 
  • Applicants must have financial resources to pay for all incurred costs. 


Work release orientations

  • Tuesdays: 3:00 PM Please arrive by 2:30PM for the check-in process. Anyone arriving after 2:59pm will be rescheduled
  • Where: Adams County Jail 150 N. 19th Ave. Brighton, CO 80601

If you are enrolled in the program, please make sure to attend the orientation at the specified time to get a complete overview of how the program works, including expectations, responsibilities, and benefits. This does not mean you are approved for the program. You will be notified of approval by work release staff. 



Important Documents

To facilitate you in this program, please review and complete the following documents:

  • Work Release Orientation Presentation: This presentation provides an overview of the program, its goals, and the resources available to you. 
  • Work Release Application: Please fill out the paperwork to enroll in the program. Once complete, you can submit it directly using the link below. You must print the supervisor page and bring it to orientation (must have a supervisor's wet signature)
  • Submit your Work Release Paperwork:(Only if you are sentenced) After filling out the paperwork, click the link to submit your paperwork for processing. 


Work Release Program: Location Change

If you are changing your location, please complete the Location Change Form before your move. 

Once you have arrived at your new location, fill out the Arrival Form to confirm your arrival. 


Authorized UA Locations

As part of the Work Release Program, regular urinalysis (UA) testing is required to ensure compliance. To make this process convenient for you, we have designated serval authorized UA testing sites across the area. 

Click the link below to view a list of the authorized UA locations


Contact Information

  • Main line for work release questions: 303-655-3480
  • General Inquire Email: [email protected]
  • After 5pm work release numbers (Only if you are in the program): 
    • Females: 303-655-3340
    • Males: 303-655-3360


We look forward to supporting you in your journey through the Work Release Program. Let's work together to achieve your goals and ensure a successful transition back into the community!