Explorer Post


Since 1987, the Adams County Sheriff's Office, in affiliation with the Boy Scouts of America and Learning for Life, has sponsored Explorer Post 2045 for young people between the ages of 15 and 21, giving them an opportunity to work with professionals in law enforcement. It is a youth organization chartered to educate and involve youth in law enforcement operations, to build their interest in possible law enforcement careers, to serve the needs of the public through community service activities, and to build mutual understanding.

The Adams County Sheriff's Office provides an environment that fosters the ideals, knowledge, and philosophy of the law enforcement profession and provides opportunities for interested young people to serve the Sheriff's Office, as well as the community.

The Explorer Post is a self-governing body, overseen and counseled by a committee of volunteer adult advisors. The Explorer Post and its programs provide for education, practical experience, community service, fostering individual personalities, and developing maturity. ​


Membership Requirements

Applicants for membership in the Law Enforcement Explorer Post #45 must be between the ages of 14 and 21. Be enrolled in a high school curriculum, maintaining a grade "C" average or possess a high school diploma or equivalent. Be in good health. Be of good moral character with no arrests or convictions for any serious offenses. Be able to attend two meetings a month (2nd & 4th Tuesday every month) Be able to attend an Explorer Law Enforcement Academy (generally held on Saturdays for 10 to 12 consecutive weeks)Be able to actively participate in fundraising

To apply online locate the Explorers link in the Adams County Volunteer page. The Adams County Sheriff's Office does not accept paper applications.

For questions on the application process, contact the Adams County Sheriff's Office Human Resources Section at (303) 655-3231.

To learn more about the Law Enforcement Explorer Program, please contact the Adams County Sheriff's Office Explorer Advisor:

Sgt. David Cho
(303) 655-3297

Recruiting Deputy Ryan Martinez
(303) 655-3267

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